As our country is independent, people enjoy freedom in their lives, career and also in political activities. Our country gives much importance to our ancestral traditions. But in my view it is being buried by foreign culture. People think that foreign culture is a mark of sophistication. Especially the young men are attracted by the trendy culture. Most of them think that dressing fashionably is a pride among all. They don’t think of the ill-effects of that culture.
Now-a-days, foreign culture is lauded mostly by young girls. Instead of choosing our traditional attire, they run after western attire. The clothing worn by foreign people suit their lifestyle, but that is not applicable for us. We have to adore our traditional values and pursue it in our lifestyle.
Western culture has not only lured us in our dressing but also in our food habits. The food habit which we have in our country is slowly vanishing. People run after fast foods and canned items. Without proper awareness, they consume fastfoods which leads to diseases and at times it results in death also.
The so called modern lifestyle is pulling us towards social evils. A fine example is the craze for alcohol among the youth. The saddest part is the fad of alcohol among women too. Young girls become addicted to it on a larger scale. Time will reveal the fatal consequences of it. Thus I conclude that the western culture, in the name of freedom is ruining the lives of youth.
III B.A. English Literature